Weddings are made up of many moving parts, venues, suppliers, guests, weather… the list goes on. Not everything can be controlled but you can be prepared. Hopefully you will only get married once, this makes it a bit hard for you to become an expert except in hindsight. We have delivered over 1000 weddings, we have not seen it all but we have seen a lot. The following list will be a recurring feature to this blog which we will add to over time for now though these are suggestions that are mentioned the most.


Be kind to your feet. Cowbell Creek is a farm venue, some of your time will be spent out on the property a pair of customised Converse or weather dependent Hunter boots can save your bridal shoes from the nature and the elements. Wet feet are not fun. Neither are sore feet, a full day in heels can take a toll. Comfy shoes for dancing can be a party saver. Many brides supply a basket of dancing thongs and even fluffy slippers to keep their guests on the dance floor. Little touches like this can be achieved quite economically, they also give photographers another prop to build a series of images around.

Say yes to a back-up dress. Most brides love their wedding dress and want to wear it for the maximum amount of time. The back-up dress is just that, a spare dress that can be called upon if you get wet, have something spilled on you or just become uncomfortable. Or it can be a show stopping second look that signifies party time. It can be anything from your engagement party dress to an elaborate second look for the reception. Whether you have it for insurance or to make a statement it gives you an option if the unexpected happens.

A good MC makes a difference. You have probably sat through some painful wedding speeches where non professional speakers struggle with jokes, volume and even a point to some of the stories. A good MC is there to keep things moving, save speakers who are drowning and make sure everything happens in order or at all. If you have the perfect person in your friend or family circle, great. If you don’t, a professional will make a huge difference to your day, most celebrants offer this service as do some musicians. Tracey and the team are on hand to guide both amateurs and professional MC’s so you have a safety net but if you don’t want to burden a reluctant friend or family member your celebrant can be a good option and elevate your guests wedding experience.


Some couples do none of the above and have an amazing day, they are just suggestions that we see make a difference when they are appropriate. Tracey is here to offer advice and help work out which, if any of these suggestions could work for you.
Cowbell Creek Green House and Tractor Barn.Cowbell Creek, a visual feast.
Highland cow Missy at Cowbll CreekFurry friends of Cowbell Creek

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