Our job is to help maximise your time and remove stress from your wedding day. The preparation suite at Cowbell Creek was designed and built to achieve this. The suite has multiple bathrooms, make-up room, dressing room and break out areas all designed to help your hair and make-up team work efficiently. Efficient work flow is important but so are aesthetics, the space has been designed to give your photographers multiple opportunities to capture beautiful images. The Cowbell Creek team is on hand to ensure the A/C is set just right before you arrive and that the fridge contains plenty of bubbles. Utilising the suite ensures you are on time, guarantees your suppliers have no parking headaches, allows you to book less expensive accomodation (or none at all) and did we mention it’s included in our base price.


Cowbell Creek Pergola CeremonyLocation, location, location at Cowbell Creek.

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